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︎︎︎ This video documentation is part of an ongoing research into our bodies and the walls that stand between them. It is an interaction between me and the fountain hide and see(k) (Jippe Hein, 2013) and was filmed in the Amsterdam Rijksmuseum garden to an unsuspecting audience.

︎︎︎ I worked together with mime artist Pleuni Veen (@pleuniveen) to further explore these walls between us. She represented ‘the body’ while I explored different representations of ‘the wall’. Since this project was initiated during lockdown times, it became an unusual collaboration with us sending videos over and forth. On the left you see a collage of our video-conversations.

︎︎︎ Underneath you can see some photo sketches ‘me vs. wall’(2019-2020).

︎︎︎ hymn to this wall (2020)
(a poem I wrote to the wall)

who ever talks to the walls they meet
who ever talks to the walls they build

to be a brick in a brick wall
meet them all while they return

stories that find you unmoved

to be the white in a white wall
and meet them all

who ever falls through the walls they build

who ever falls through the walls they meet

well wall when i give you my absence
do forgive me your silence

︎︎︎ This research is still ongoing.